युधिष्ठिर ने पूछा : मधुसूदन ! श्रावण के शुक्लपक्ष में किस नाम की एकादशी होती है ? कृपया मेरे सामने उसका वर्णन कीजिये ।
भगवान श्रीकृष्ण बोले : राजन् ! प्राचीन काल की बात है । द्वापर युग के प्रारम्भ का समय था । माहिष्मतीपुर में राजा महीजित अपने राज्य का पालन करते थे किन्तु उन्हें कोई पुत्र नहीं था, इसलिए वह राज्य उन्हें सुखदायक नहीं प्रतीत होता था । अपनी अवस्था अधिक देख राजा को बड़ी चिन्ता हुई । उन्होंने प्रजावर्ग में बैठकर इस प्रकार कहा: ‘प्रजाजनो ! इस जन्म में मुझसे कोई पातक नहीं हुआ है । मैंने अपने खजाने में अन्याय से कमाया हुआ धन नहीं जमा किया है । ब्राह्मणों और देवताओं का धन भी मैंने कभी नहीं लिया है । पुत्रवत् प्रजा का पालन किया है । धर्म से पृथ्वी पर अधिकार जमाया है । दुष्टों को, चाहे वे बन्धु और पुत्रों के समान ही क्यों न रहे हों, दण्ड दिया है । शिष्ट पुरुषों का सदा सम्मान किया है और किसीको द्वेष का पात्र नहीं समझा है । फिर क्या कारण है, जो मेरे घर में आज तक पुत्र उत्पन्न नहीं हुआ? आप लोग इसका विचार करें ।’
राजा के ये वचन सुनकर प्रजा और पुरोहितों के साथ ब्राह्मणों ने उनके हित का विचार करके गहन वन में प्रवेश किया । राजा का कल्याण चाहनेवाले वे सभी लोग इधर उधर घूमकर ॠषिसेवित आश्रमों की तलाश करने लगे । इतने में उन्हें मुनिश्रेष्ठ लोमशजी के दर्शन हुए ।
लोमशजी धर्म के त्तत्त्वज्ञ, सम्पूर्ण शास्त्रों के विशिष्ट विद्वान, दीर्घायु और महात्मा हैं । उनका शरीर लोम से भरा हुआ है । वे ब्रह्माजी के समान तेजस्वी हैं । एक एक कल्प बीतने पर उनके शरीर का एक एक लोम विशीर्ण होता है, टूटकर गिरता है, इसीलिए उनका नाम लोमश हुआ है । वे महामुनि तीनों कालों की बातें जानते हैं ।
उन्हें देखकर सब लोगों को बड़ा हर्ष हुआ । लोगों को अपने निकट आया देख लोमशजी ने पूछा : ‘तुम सब लोग किसलिए यहाँ आये हो? अपने आगमन का कारण बताओ । तुम लोगों के लिए जो हितकर कार्य होगा, उसे मैं अवश्य करुँगा ।’
प्रजाजनों ने कहा : ब्रह्मन् ! इस समय महीजित नामवाले जो राजा हैं, उन्हें कोई पुत्र नहीं है । हम लोग उन्हींकी प्रजा हैं, जिनका उन्होंने पुत्र की भाँति पालन किया है । उन्हें पुत्रहीन देख, उनके दु:ख से दु:खित हो हम तपस्या करने का दृढ़ निश्चय करके यहाँ आये है । द्विजोत्तम ! राजा के भाग्य से इस समय हमें आपका दर्शन मिल गया है । महापुरुषों के दर्शन से ही मनुष्यों के सब कार्य सिद्ध हो जाते हैं । मुने ! अब हमें उस उपाय का उपदेश कीजिये, जिससे राजा को पुत्र की प्राप्ति हो ।
उनकी बात सुनकर महर्षि लोमश दो घड़ी के लिए ध्यानमग्न हो गये । तत्पश्चात् राजा के प्राचीन जन्म का वृत्तान्त जानकर उन्होंने कहा : ‘प्रजावृन्द ! सुनो । राजा महीजित पूर्वजन्म में मनुष्यों को चूसनेवाला धनहीन वैश्य था । वह वैश्य गाँव-गाँव घूमकर व्यापार किया करता था । एक दिन ज्येष्ठ के शुक्लपक्ष में दशमी तिथि को, जब दोपहर का सूर्य तप रहा था, वह किसी गाँव की सीमा में एक जलाशय पर पहुँचा । पानी से भरी हुई बावली देखकर वैश्य ने वहाँ जल पीने का विचार किया । इतने में वहाँ अपने बछड़े के साथ एक गौ भी आ पहुँची । वह प्यास से व्याकुल और ताप से पीड़ित थी, अत: बावली में जाकर जल पीने लगी । वैश्य ने पानी पीती हुई गाय को हाँककर दूर हटा दिया और स्वयं पानी पीने लगा । उसी पापकर्म के कारण राजा इस समय पुत्रहीन हुए हैं । किसी जन्म के पुण्य से इन्हें निष्कण्टक राज्य की प्राप्ति हुई है ।’
प्रजाजनों ने कहा : मुने ! पुराणों में उल्लेख है कि प्रायश्चितरुप पुण्य से पाप नष्ट होते हैं, अत: ऐसे पुण्यकर्म का उपदेश कीजिये, जिससे उस पाप का नाश हो जाय ।
लोमशजी बोले : प्रजाजनो ! श्रावण मास के शुक्लपक्ष में जो एकादशी होती है, वह ‘पुत्रदा’ के नाम से विख्यात है । वह मनोवांछित फल प्रदान करनेवाली है । तुम लोग उसीका व्रत करो ।
यह सुनकर प्रजाजनों ने मुनि को नमस्कार किया और नगर में आकर विधिपूर्वक ‘पुत्रदा एकादशी’ के व्रत का अनुष्ठान किया । उन्होंने विधिपूर्वक जागरण भी किया और उसका निर्मल पुण्य राजा को अर्पण कर दिया । तत्पश्चात् रानी ने गर्भधारण किया और प्रसव का समय आने पर बलवान पुत्र को जन्म दिया ।
इसका माहात्म्य सुनकर मनुष्य पापों से मुक्त हो जाता है तथा इहलोक में सुख पाकर परलोक में स्वर्गीय गति को प्राप्त होता है ।
yudhishthir asked Sri krishna...: Hey Madhusudan ..! what is the ekadashi in the sharavan month's Shukla paksha...please elaborate.
Lord Krishna said..Hey king, in ancient time, when it was just the begining of Dwapar yuga there was a king named Mahijeet, of the kingdom Mahishmatipur, he did not have a son,he used to be very sad all the time because of this.
once he became very tensed and told his subjects..."hey my people I have not done any huge big sin in this life of mine, there is no unjust money in my treassure.I have never took away money deserved by the brahmins and deities,I have taken care of my kingdom as my own child.
I have conquered the world, but only with Dharma.I have punished the wicked even if they were my own relatives, I have always respected the civilized people and never envied anyone
then what do you think could be the reason that I still do not have a son.?"
hearing these words of their king, subjects along with the brahmins, and all the well wishers of the king started roaming about in the Ashrams in the woods, then all of a sudden Sage Lomash appeared.
Lomashji is an incredible sage, his body is full of Lom or fur, he is as great as Brahmaji himself.He is so long lived that after every kalpa(period) is fur gets destroyed n detached from his body, thats why he is known as sage Lomash, this maharishi knows things of present,past and future.
people became so happy seeing him.Lomashji said to them, "what are you people gathered here for, are you in trouble, I will surely help you out if I can."
people said..."Hey great sage, king Mahijeet is our king, he has taken care of us as his own children, though he does not have a heir, he is very sad, we have came here in the jungle to do tapasya as we cannot see our king sad . hey sage, we are very fortunate that we have had the oppurtunity to see you, now we are content tht our wish will come true as only by seeing the great saints problems of men are solved. please tell us some solution to our problem.
Hearing the words of the people sage Lomash meditated for a short while and told the story of the previous birth of their king mahijeet. he said"king mahijeet was a crooked, poor vaishya(a caste of the businessmen),he used to do business roaming here and there among the villages.one day on the shukla fortnite of the month of jayeshtha, while it was a very hot summer afternoon, he came near a pond in some village. and he thought of drinking the wated.suddenly one cow along with her calf came there near the pond too.
she was very thirsty too, so she started drinking the water too. but vaishya while he saw that the cow is also drinking the water, he put the cow away and started drinking the water alone, and because of this sin, king is issueless in this birth of his.But as he did so may good karmas in some other previous birth, he is the king now."
people said "hey sage it is said that bad karmas can be washed away with the good karmas,penance.
please advice some good karma so tht his wrong karmas can be washed off."
Sage Lomash said "the ekadashi on the shuklapaksh of shraavan month, is known as "Putradaa"[son giving] ekadashi, you people keep that fast."
hearing this the people came back to the city and ket the fast of Putradaa ekaadashi in the righteous way, and even stayed awake for the whole night, and sacrified or gave away their punyaas{good karma of keeping the fast} to the king.Later the quenn concieved and gave birth to a strong baby boy.
people who listen to the glory of this great ekadashi their sins are washed off and attain heaven after this life.
Putrada /Pavitra Ekadashi
yudhishthir asked Sri krishna...: Hey Madhusudan ..! what is the ekadashi in the sharavan month's Shukla paksha...please elaborate.
Lord Krishna said..Hey king, in ancient time, when it was just the begining of Dwapar yuga there was a king named Mahijeet, of the kingdom Mahishmatipur, he did not have a son,he used to be very sad all the time because of this.
once he became very tensed and told his subjects..."hey my people I have not done any huge big sin in this life of mine, there is no unjust money in my treassure.I have never took away money deserved by the brahmins and deities,I have taken care of my kingdom as my own child.
I have conquered the world, but only with Dharma.I have punished the wicked even if they were my own relatives, I have always respected the civilized people and never envied anyone
then what do you think could be the reason that I still do not have a son.?"
hearing these words of their king, subjects along with the brahmins, and all the well wishers of the king started roaming about in the Ashrams in the woods, then all of a sudden Sage Lomash appeared.
Lomashji is an incredible sage, his body is full of Lom or fur, he is as great as Brahmaji himself.He is so long lived that after every kalpa(period) is fur gets destroyed n detached from his body, thats why he is known as sage Lomash, this maharishi knows things of present,past and future.
people became so happy seeing him.Lomashji said to them, "what are you people gathered here for, are you in trouble, I will surely help you out if I can."
people said..."Hey great sage, king Mahijeet is our king, he has taken care of us as his own children, though he does not have a heir, he is very sad, we have came here in the jungle to do tapasya as we cannot see our king sad . hey sage, we are very fortunate that we have had the oppurtunity to see you, now we are content tht our wish will come true as only by seeing the great saints problems of men are solved. please tell us some solution to our problem.
Hearing the words of the people sage Lomash meditated for a short while and told the story of the previous birth of their king mahijeet. he said"king mahijeet was a crooked, poor vaishya(a caste of the businessmen),he used to do business roaming here and there among the villages.one day on the shukla fortnite of the month of jayeshtha, while it was a very hot summer afternoon, he came near a pond in some village. and he thought of drinking the wated.suddenly one cow along with her calf came there near the pond too.
she was very thirsty too, so she started drinking the water too. but vaishya while he saw that the cow is also drinking the water, he put the cow away and started drinking the water alone, and because of this sin, king is issueless in this birth of his.But as he did so may good karmas in some other previous birth, he is the king now."
people said "hey sage it is said that bad karmas can be washed away with the good karmas,penance.
please advice some good karma so tht his wrong karmas can be washed off."
Sage Lomash said "the ekadashi on the shuklapaksh of shraavan month, is known as "Putradaa"[son giving] ekadashi, you people keep that fast."
hearing this the people came back to the city and ket the fast of Putradaa ekaadashi in the righteous way, and even stayed awake for the whole night, and sacrified or gave away their punyaas{good karma of keeping the fast} to the king.Later the quenn concieved and gave birth to a strong baby boy.
people who listen to the glory of this great ekadashi their sins are washed off and attain heaven after this life.
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